Over the river and through the woods to what's under all the masks we go...
A coach once told me he wanted my business to fit me like the perfect tailored outfit. All that I could think was “Um not at all what I want. I just want to be naked.” (And not with him, so I definitely did not share that out loud.)
During a meeting this week, I was reminded of why it’s so freeing to be open while receiving feedback on a design. One comment was that she liked how the statue was naked because it felt more connected to Source that way.
In my personal life, I was also reminded how vulnerable it is to speak a naked truth. Meaning allowing my truth to flow through without filter or worry how others might respond. And then the “fun” of watching the parts of me activate that wanted to hide from reactions and control what people think of me.
It was a wonderful reminder of how powerful actions such as creating, speaking truth, walking away, and pausing are when they flow from an aligned and centered place… a place of naked vulnerability with no attachment to outcome and full willingness to take off all the unconscious masks and reveal all the self love underneath.
Wild blessings,