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Deciding from the depths of your heart and soul creates a butterfly effect. It can spark inspiration, change lives, and unite hearts as they unwind from where they’ve been bound in obligation.

Being in integrity with your soul is sometimes different than the regular rules programmed by society. For example, would you rather someone choose to stay in relationship with you because they feel like they should, or because it actually is in alignment?

Sometimes a decision is the last step. You’ve done all the soul work and now it’s time to let go of that last bit stopping you from simply saying yes with all of your heart. Sometimes a decision is the first step, and heaps of support and hand holding are needed to follow through. Of course, on some level, it is both. A beginning is an ending and an ending is a beginning.

What is stopping you? What might you want to let go of so you may say yes with all of your heart? Obligation, Fear, Worry, Doubt, Invalidation? Let it go. Quiet your mind. Rest in your higher knowing, seeing, hearing and feeling.

Find your truth from deep into your heart… what decision is most opening and soul expanding?

Now, ask yourself what do you need to follow through? Self love? A coach, teacher, mentor, or group that is in agreement with your highest nature? A celebration? More time to meditate and center in your truth each day? Breath and patience. Giving yourself all the space required. Signing your own permission slip again and again.

Wild blessings,

Jennah Synnestvedt

Author Jennah Synnestvedt

As a writer, I divinely channel an alchemy of light frequencies and share heart wisdom woven from experiences growing up in the rocky mountains of Colorado, freelancing as a graphic artist in NYC, being an online entrepreneur, training at multiple psychic institutes, diving deep in my inner work with mentors, traveling to sacred sites around the world, as well as living lifetimes on Earth and beyond. Ways to work with me where I hold space for you to freely create your own adventure exist. 1:1 Soul Sessions, Groups, Soulful Brand Design, and more ... I have a completely open crown so it's natural for me to tune into the inspiration of others and amplify it. My deep sensitivity combined with my open expression, heart, and root centers provides a playground of wise guidance.

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