I know people mean well by saying it, but the idea of living vicariously through another person has always creeped me out. I guess because I prefer to live my life.
When I sense into “living vicariously” energetically, it doesn’t really work so well for either person as we are each designed to live our own life.
In Human Design I’m a sacral authority generator with a 3/5 profile which is the martyr/heretic. From what I understand, this means I’m perceived as an adventurous risk taker, which can freak people out, make them judgmental, and inspire them… sometimes all at once. What people don’t see or always know is the martyr part of me who is learning about sacrificing my own well being for the freedom of others.
All this is leading me to say if you’re inspired by what I’m sharing, that’s awesome!! Instead of living vicariously through me, I invite you to create it yourself.

Ways to work with me where I hold space for you to freely create your own adventure exist. SSessions, courses, branding … also in Human Design I have a completely open crown so it’s natural for me to tune into the inspiration of others and amplify it. I also have a totally open Solar Plexus/Emotional Center which means my deep sensitivity allows me to recognize who is emotionally healthy, and who isn’t. Those combined with my fairly open anja, throat, heart, spleen, and root centers create a playground of wise guidance.
I’m sharing this all from a place of telling you about who I am because pain point marketing is not in integrity for me. That way of working plays lots of angles to produce a problem that needs solving. I’d much rather play from a place of wholeness, creativity, and grace unfolding.
Wild blessings,