In today’s world, AI is pushing the boundaries of what's called intellectual property which has a rare singular definition: “Law. property that results from original creative thought, as patents, copyright material, and trademarks.”
What is original creative thought and why has a system been created to protect it?
Original creative thought is inspiration expressed through the brain of an individual (or group of individuals). The inspiration and expression is an assimilation of that person’s perception of life experiences and relationships … the unique journey of each soul as woven through the collective tapestry. Without the thread of each individual, the tapestry wouldn’t be the same, and without the tapestry each thread alone would flail without context.
An entire legal branch (trademark law) has been created to provide protection from theft of original creative thought which also prevents consumers from being deceived and confused by imposters. In theory this is good, but it is not always necessary and timing is important.
Where I see people get stuck in their business is during the creative process by prematurely focusing on trademarking before they’ve even defined their thread in the context of the tapestry. In other words, the discovery process of expression is stifled out of fear and suffocated by over protection.
Outside of any legal or other protective mechanism, everything in the world is a manifestation of inspiration which can also be called a thought of the divine mind born from collective consciousness.
Individuals are constantly orienting as co-creators learning from what is around, channeling what comes through and expressing what is within. In some cases, the idea of intellectual property can be like guard rails that limit what is meant to be woven for the highest good. (It is interesting how ai is gathering data from sources all over and sharing it as a sort of mass consensus as the first result in google.)
What to focus on for forward movement in your business:
- Express Your Calling on Your Website: Even if you offer the same type of service or product as someone else, only you can offer it in the way you do. How it channels through you is 100% authentic and cannot be replicated, so you might as well be yourself because everyone else is taken.
- Share Freely in Your Marketing: Find ways to work with fear you have about speaking truth in your unique way, let the walls down, and sing your message from the rooftops. This is how people know you exist and whether or not you are for them.
Wild blessings,