Do you ever feel like the internet–especially social media and now AI–is like a giant black hole narcissist?
Meaning it seems like the most important thing out there and you end up putting way more energy into it than you receive back. Plus, you might have a sense that your input is being siphoned somewhere else and might even be used to manipulate you at some point.
In the 22+ years that I’ve been working in the website and marketing industry, I’ve repeatedly seen the energy pushing people to publish everything online. Whether it be social media feeds, blog posts, or online courses, the more content the better. Also, the more public, the greater the promise of “success”.
The energy behind the technology plays into and feeds off of fear around a need to be seen and survive as well as the ego’s need to be liked (which anyone who is human has….). I’m not a psychologist, but I’m pretty sure that, in some people, it can even turn those needs into narcissistic behavior.
With AI growing, it’s becoming more clear that some bigger goal has been behind the push to put everything online all along. Of course, any agenda is simply energy that can be turned on its head to be used for good, so I’m not painting a victim story here.
What I am saying is that it’s more important than ever to be clear on a few things before posting anything online:
- Your Intent. Are you doing it to be of authentic service and expression, genuine care, generosity, rebalancing yourself and the planet, raising the vibration, or something else?
- Inner Authority & Compassion. Are you acting from your pure, true, heart felt center or from a program that isn’t true to you?
- Freewill & Inviting Others. Letting go of control and trusting in the bigger picture of the universe as you follow your YES with non-attachment to response. Sometimes you don’t know why you’re guided to share something, but you do know that it IS in alignment.
Also, on the flip side of everyone being up in arms about free remixing of content, the co-creator in me actually loves what’s possible with technology’s palette because that’s how the collective tapestry is woven. Everything is always interacting to create something new, but only some interactions have a generative, alchemical charge where more life is created from the sum of the parts.
All the more reason to bring all of ourselves to the table for each and every interaction with curiosity and clear intent.
Wild blessings,