When relaxed and focused enough, any binding game can be flipped and transformed into free flowing life force.
When the veil is lifted, the truth remains. What was once hidden is revealed in all its vulnerability. Within any binding constraint is an attempt to feel safe. Within any anger and frustration is fuel for transformation. Within any outcry to feel better is a desire to feel love and belonging. Within any void is open space seeking to be fulfilled with knowledge of itself.

Deprivation will only carry you so far before it collapses into itself creating a black hole. Instead, collect up your resources and allow the potency to seed the most direct route. Then nurture and nourish that seed being open to what arrives to assist. Before you know it, a bud, then bloom, and then a whole orchard is here.
With ai becoming more and more prevalent so has an increase in expectation that things should produce money and results. It’s like if a computer can do the math, why are consciousness, creativity, and craft not hackable?
Because being hacked is not what we’re here for. We’re here to grow as souls. To bear fruit like the Earth shows us. That is abundance and the nourishment that sustains life.
You’re even allowed to retire the part of yourself that thinks you need to heal or be healed to receive.
When you’re coming from a place of already being good enough, the addiction to collapse or rise dissolves over time as you allow yourself to be in your natural growth process.
A natural growth process is where bodysoul are one system unified in the field of the heart which is connected to all love and is infinite.
Wild blessings,