I dismantle the lies of making money and of earning a living.
I am living because I was born.
I am here as an open heart of service.
I am willing to respond to what Source sends me. I am a yes to truth, and a no to lies.
I share because I am love.
I am love in being. I am love in body. I am love in action.
I am priceless.
I add value because I am.
I am in all that I do, give, and receive.
I share because I am love, and love is infinite.
More than ever before, I feel a permission and alignment to simply be, sit, and move through my day in ceremony, allowing my vibration to elevate for good.
I love the double entendre of “for good”. A new baseline of lightness really is possible.
Even in times where I’m still working on believing that is true, I know it begins with my openness to the idea and my willingness to allow it. I am the seed.
In recognition that I am the seed, I am also the spark and excitement begins to trickle within like little sparkles throughout my entire being where I experience a freeing.
Freeing my wings to shine, glisten in the sun, shake off the sweet dew as they spread to take flight. Heart open, breath flowing. I am.
Wild blessings,