What sort of support is appropriate for your stage of soul growth and nervous system development?
So much is out their in the sphere of personal growth support. Some of it is really amazing and some of it is imbalanced, but what you need, what will serve you, and what you resonate with is actually what’s most important.
Many programs offer glorified results.
A lot of communities provide a sense of belonging.
Some teachers promise to save you.
Healers can provide relief and often open a pathway forward.
I invite you to really wonder what is appropriate for your stage of soul growth and nervous system development at this time?
Is it a well balanced community?
Is it giving yourself space to meditate on your own more?
Is it working with a coach who can meet you where you’re at as well as guide you forward?
Is it couples counseling so that your partner and you can learn to communicate better?
What is it for you… how do you meet your needs and rise into love more fully?
Wild blessings,