When part is in the past, part is in the future, being in the now moment is an answer.
Lately I’ve found myself wondering if there’s value in keeping things published that no longer feel 100% true, but then I realized that is a ridiculous question for me to be asking. Why? Because judging whether or not something is valuable is not one of my values. Wisdom and reciprocity better define what’s important to me.
Wisdom is what I know to be True and reciprocity is my willingness to receive as I share.
If I’m putting something out there that no longer feels true, I’m not aligned nor alive in my wisdom. A part of me is dead and only more decay will grow from that unless I choose to compost it… to create something new fertilized by the break down of the old.
At the same time something in me really loves a good archive where looking back feels like digging up treasure.
Dust free and perfectly preserved gold is at the heart of a Soul growing eternally through time. Yet, on an akashic record level, an experience is done when it’s done. Information is filed away and dissolved into the Soul’s archive of eternity, and the Soul’s gold becomes available for new creation.
Wild blessings,