In a world full of sharp edges, I continue to soften my heart and fill it with love.
Thought forms and words flung like poison arrows. Energy thrown to create military grade boundaries.
Past stories and miscommunications turned into torn pages. Holding grudges. Rotting resentments.
Non acceptance of where someone is at. Focusing on fixing their wounds more than validating their wholeness.
Even when done with love or longing, pushing an agenda is still pushing an agenda out of one’s own discomfort.
Abandonment when push comes to shove and the getting isn’t good or enough. Get is grabbing.
All the hard edges may cause a hardening of the heart, in which case it breaks over and over again.
Instead choosing to bring the flame of cleansing anger and flow of truthful tears to nourish the soul creating space for love to spring forth once again.
Wild blessings,