Literally and metaphorically, I learned that compression socks feel kinda amazing when you first put them on, and even more amazing when you take them off.
I thought the house I bought would be the perfect home (maybe it’d even be my bunker for the apocalypse … 2012 was right around the corner after all). I’m still not sure exactly what creating a fairy garden and burying a charged crystal in the yard there did, but I feel like it was something!
Fast forward to the beginning of Autumn when I was honoring the completion of a life chapter: I love you Boulder and am truly grateful for the last 12 years as well as being born here and raised in the beautiful mountains above you (plus all those fun times as a teen going to “town” for the mall and movies mostly).
Besides having family, friends, a mailing address, and things stored in Boulder, I’ve now “moved out” of town and into the next chapter of my life where I’m traveling and working peacefully. I love and am honored to do the work that I do in the world. Yes, I’m designing, writing, giving sessions, and teaching while traveling! Some people call it being a digital nomad.
On a recent flight I even found that despite coming from 2am in the time zone I’m used to, my body wakes right up flying into the new dawn. Rainbows and other signs have also been abound as beautiful, welcoming confirmations from the land.

So until further notice, you’ll find me with nature or in a city many places around the globe. I’m not hiding. I’m right here, and I can see the forest from the trees (when I’m meant to, and I even teach a class on it). I’ve always said… home is where the heart is, and my heart is in my body. Wherever I go, there I am.
Please stay in touch, and reach out anytime!
Lots of Love,