When it comes to making a decision, gathering information from multiple sources, and looking at potential outcomes from a 360° perspective can help.
Making decisions can be challenging — a kind of limbo, so what’s really going on here? Sometimes getting caught in emotions such as fear of judgment or lack or guilt can lead to mental loops causing paralysis and blindness to the bigger picture.
Different sources provide insight based on their experience and knowledge. Looking from a 360° perspective allows consideration of all levels — the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Sorting the truth from the lie as well as parsing what you need separate from what others may think or believe makes space for an integrated as possible decision.
A decision cannot be rushed or faked, yet perfection is not required. At a certain point, enough information has been gathered, and it is time for a decision.
A decision allows the Universe to organize, putting in motion the flow to create the pathways for manifestation.
Once a decision is made, stuff comes up. Sometimes muddy water – energies like fear and doubt that will challenge faith. Sometimes an abundance of joy that sounds like angels singing. And often times, both. Some say fear is simply excitement without the breath.
Yes, leading up to making a decision can be scary, and even paralyzing. What if the WRONG decision is made? The programming to make the RIGHT decision is often strong, yet the right/wrong polarity is where the lie sits like a big poisonous snake ready to bite.
So what is the middle ground?
Remembering that Earth is a place to learn and grow as Souls, and making a decision initiates just that. You get to choose and be in charge of your experience of what happens.
Growth doesn’t need to be scary, fast or overwhelming, though, at times, you might choose— either consciously or unconsciously — to learn about these energies, so you can master them. Learning can be fun and playful (and even then many learn that there’s old childhood pain to release to really have experience that joy as an adult!).
It feels big, yet if you decide something that leads to a path you really don’t want to be on, you can always make a new decision. Of course, a decision plays out over time and with others, but agreements can always be rewritten in a variety of ways as we are learning and growing in relationship to each other with the Universe as a neutral routing system.
So where are you at in your decision making process – gathering, sorting or deciding?