Autumn is a beautiful season where decay first shines the brilliant colors of harvest. What was once fresh and green comes to its peak and returns back into the cycle of life.
As the fallen leaves compost, they create insulation for the nutrients underground to stay alive, and then the freeze will provide water when it’s time to melt in Spring. The cycles of nature are part of the Divine plan, and, at its most basic, nature is a visible expression of how living beings on Earth grow as Souls.
This week my Soul growth included a day that brought in 2Gs: Gratitude and Grief as I visited my favorite aspen grove not knowing when I’ll see it in person next. The world is changing fast, and each moment counts. I’m letting more life in walking in peace with love and enjoying my journey however it unfolds.

Soul growth cycles sometimes align with the seasons, and at other times they happen within a day, or even over lifetimes.
As I’m preparing to visit some sacred sites, one of my mentors reminded me that it’s not just about the action of going to the site, it’s about allowing the connection of what’s alive now to be within myself and with others.
Since we—people, plants and creatures— are the living, we are the conduits for the cycles of creation. When we allow Divinity to spiral through, each in our own unique expression, we serve our purpose adding to the balance and beauty of Earth.
How sweet it is,