So many ways to give exist including ways that are free.
Reciprocity is not matching dollar for dollar. It isn’t tit for tat or even quid pro quo because it’s definitely not an eye for an eye.
Presence is worthiness because it’s actually priceless. Presence, peace, love, life and everything that matters are priceless birthrights. All things that would still exist even if money didn’t are what really matters.
Money is simply an expression of energy. Focus on what really matters without guilt or shame and everything flows.
Trying to be a good girl or a good boy fails whereas having the courage to listen to the pure & true inner voice of your heart & soul is a conduit for an abundance of plenty.
It’s a process that has its own pace, sometimes things come together quickly or feel like they never will.
It all starts with giving yourself the space to relax into the quiet of your inner peace which is created by willingness to trust in the unknown.
From that unknown yet infinite well of possibility, generosity and grace in giving and receiving in an aligned and balance way naturally happens.
Wild blessings,