Does your brain go straight to numbers when you hear the word value? I realized that is a tendency in noticing the energy that was stirred up by my post Value of Commitment and What We’re Creating, so I’ve written this follow up post exploring values.
Some values are mathematical while others are tonal frequencies.
Force, significance, desirable quality as a means or end in itself are all definitions of value. Also to consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance.
As defined in fine art, value is the degree of lightness or darkness in color. In music, value is the relative length or duration of a tone signified by a note.
In the realm of energy, numbers are informed by the throughput of a frequency. When it comes to branding and business, defining brand values and allowing them to flow through the business determines the bottom line.
Remembering to flow the frequencies of my source inspired values through while I look at numbers for end of the month book keeping is part of how I treat accounting as a sacred ceremony (life as ceremony is a value of mine).
Wild blessings,