On Earth, something called the martyr role or archetype exists. As with any archetype, a balanced and unbalanced way to “play the role” exists.
When out of balance, the martyr is twisted into a drama where the mind rapid fires between victim-villain-hero narratives:
When sacrifice is a secret synonym for blame, resentment runs deep.
When what you “give” to another is used against them as an expectation for them to do or be a certain way or as an excuse for not doing what you need to grow.
The mind likes things to be black and white … perfectly mathematical yet it forgets to factor in spirit.
The nature of spirit is limitless and ineffable, only comprehensible as the X factor.
Sometimes [WH]Y factors are thrown in too.
When in balance, the martyr is about–at all costs–transforming fear based control limits to love:
It is heeding the call of spirit, and the why is clear: love and growth.
Love and growth are the result of right use of power: each person using their energy and will power in their full capacity as a force of good as a contribution to life.
How do you know if you’re heeding the call of spirit for love and growth or if you’re in an unbalanced drama dynamic?
You’re able to access the feeling of gratitude.
Your basic needs are covered because you’re willing to receive with an open heart from any Source.
You give freely because you know it is the right thing to do (not because you’re trying to get something in return).
You’re in a place of consistent depth riding the waves of emotion from a centered place rather than on a reactive roller coaster of highs and lows.
Wherever you are in your human spiritual exploration of martyrdom, may you find equilibrium and peace for the rest of your days.
Wild Blessings,