When engaging in any decision these days, so much outside influence can come in, and marketing programming is one we don’t often acknowledge even though it is prevalent everywhere from social media to the grocery store.
In some manipulative marketing lingo people will say something they’re trying to sell is for you if you’re ready for xyz such as more health, wealth, or happiness.
Online entrepreneur Marie Forleo says “Start Before You’re Ready. Everything is Figureoutable”. The idea being if you wait until you feel ready, you never will (because fear can be a loud domineering cloud).
On my journey, I’ve found that it’s important to pause and look at the full picture including what might be hiding.
Diving in prematurely can also be fear based (FOMO anyone?). Once I clear up what might be sneakily pushing or pulling, it’s then easier to hold the parts of me that may not always feel ready even when my higher self knows my heart is a YES. When I know it’s time, I can fully step into that space where fear turns into excitement and courage with breath. Plus, spirit sends me signs like rainbows!
Wild blessings,