It’s okay to like working when what you’re doing is bringing you alive… it’s actually called creating. Everyone is creative.
Often though people are only alive enough to keep working in the system as a slave until they retire at which point they think peace is sinking into oblivion because they’re so burnt out and need to rest.
In devotion to being creatively generative, on the other hand, a person is in their full power, continually being fulfilled because they are growing as an alive consciousness while at the same time learning how to rest in peace throughout their journey.
The good news is that once someone is restored from burn out, it is possible to reconnect to the creative field in whatever capacity is possible. It’s natural as a person ages to focus more on introspection but they also have so much wisdom to share that is life giving.
Creativity expresses itself in different ways. If you’re feeling stagnant yet restored, ask yourself how might you connect and direct your energy in the creative field at this time in your life?
Wild blessings,