Often times these beautiful concepts are shared about the feminine and perhaps it can be simple.
Today, I am grateful for ALL of the women in my life past, present, and future. No matter what has or will transpire.
I have found that magic happens when I focus on the actual opportunities that life provides rather than an idea of how it should be.
Today, I let go of the any caricatures I have of the feminine, find my center, and flow from that place.
Where am I at now, what’s most important, and how can I show up from alignment?
What I am realizing as I cast my votes on the ballot is how important it is for women to unite at this time.
It doesn’t matter as much who you vote for or what the result is because the seeds of change begin in the womb of women. All, including the masculine, is birthed from here.
When we are united in our power of purpose which is the unique expression that flows through each of us through devotion in each moment of our everyday lives, positive transformation is possible.
Wild blessings,