When I set the theme for my spring writing to “Celebrating Change”, I really had no idea what was to come. Such is life. When an intention is set, alignment happens. All unfolds in Divine Order at the speed of willingness to be inspired.
Being inspired is so much more than just having an idea. It is allowing Spirit to inform from head to toe. The follow through starts as an inside job, and completes as a lived experience of the intention that was set.
Since I’m someone who does my best to walk my talk, what I choose to share through writing and teaching is life changing for me. After years of sacrificing my own growth to keep the peace, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Funnily enough, it turns out what I thought was keeping the peace was actually fear of change. Fear of actually creating the life I truly want on all levels.
So yes, in this Spring season of “celebrating change”, I made some big changes in my personal life that I am whole heartedly celebrating (even the full spectrum of emotions), and what I’ve realized is the many years of spiritual work I’ve done has made me very comfortable with change on a soul level.
The power behind a pivotal moment requires centering into self.
All the micro changes that occurred in a dedicated daily practice, weekly groups, private mentorship, and living it in my everyday life created the foundation on a body level for me to willingly rise into a much needed big change. The power behind a pivotal moment requires centering into self.
From lived experience, I can say change is scary as hell, especially if you know a big one is coming. I will also say, that we all get to choose the pace for ourselves. It is up to you when to leap, and, for me, starting to weave the net–for years!–ahead of time was crucial.
What I’ve actually found, is the net is just a more authentic version of my own tapestry. Change is actually about becoming more me and experiencing more of me. Being the expression of Source that I’m here on Earth to be.
Celebrating you and me today!