The beauty of nature is that it knows nothing of shame, blame, guilt nor does it play anywhere on the dichotomy of reward/punishment.
Nature is beautiful because it simply exists through the cycles of seeding, growing, blossoming, dying to seeding all over again.
Humans, on the other hand, have done some pretty atrocious things so guilt, shame, and many of the teachings of the church were created to keep things in check.
But like anything, balance has wavered in the church as well swinging too far into rules and bypass (not always, but at times).
Perhaps now it is a return to nature that will save humanity. Or maybe it is a combination of recognizing that spirit, faith, love, and nature all work together.
And it begins with the seed of truth surging within each individual asking, where may I balance myself in order to be the change to catalyze the goodness I wish to see and experience more of in the world?
Wild blessings,