The way of a light worker often goes against the grain as a way of sifting out systems that are failing well-being of Earth and each other.
Being a heart of service is about choosing and creating a healthy pathway forward–starting now–which may involve:
Risking attachments including constraints of the mind and sacrificing limits of false mirages of safety, security, love, and approval.
Stopping addiction and abuse patterning that divide and dilute creative frequencies of peace, joy, and love.
Offering and engaging in service because it is a choice and a privilege rather than a way of getting something (to feel loved or secure) or out of obligation (to please or prove).
Co-creating with Source for more ease and flow in the fulfillment of your full heart as you grow and share.
Choosing to check your ego at the door, love all parts of yourself, and find the light in what shows up in and around you.
Wild blessings,